It happened again! - I am in the process of finishing another book in my 'Book With a Hole' series (I showed some pictures here.), but this is not going as smoothly as I would wish: somehow the pictures I am drawing with ink and then coloring with water colors are not coming out as I like them. Then I made salt dough for some completely not book related coursethe beginnung of last week, couldn't stop myself from doing some covers for books from the dough, made the 'book with wings', made more salt dough, made more salt dough books,... Now I am in the middle of another longer project with 'flying books'. I will show you pictures once I have them flying. The book I presented here is book I made from the dough: Incantamenta. Here it is not the covers but the pages themselves that are made from the material (my husband thinks I'm crazy. Indeed the book is a bit fragile and the last page is slightly cracked.)
I'm not a good scribe. The pages contain so few text and still some mistakes... Leather wrap, closed with leather bands and bone pearl. Pages are from salt dough, written upon with ink, bound with leather bands.
Ich bin zur Zeit ganz fleißig und aufgeregt an einem neuen Projekt dran (Waldspaziergang ist mal wieder zur Seite geschoben, wird aber schon noch fertig werden - hoffe ich). Deswegen heute nicht viele Worte, nur einige Bilder zu meinem neuesten Buch 'Incantamenta' (d.h. Beschwörungen).
Die Hülle ist aus Leder, geschlossen mit Lederbändern und Knochenperle. Die Seiten sind aus Salzteig, ich habe darauf mit Tinte geschrieben.
1 comment:
This is superb, what an amazing book.
Well done
Billie :)
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