Ab morgen werde ich für eine Woche wegfahren und in der Zeit nicht bloggen. Zum abschied und zur Augenweide noch ein Minibuch:
Hier presst es noch ein:

In meiner Hand

Ein paar Bilder von ringsum:

in und mit Schachtel:

You see here pictures of my matchbook. - After I made a book last weekend whose covers were 'wrapped' in matches, I had so many matchboxes left, that I decided to use them as boxes for a series of mini books. This is the first one and I will continue next week, when I am back from a trip to - I don't know yet. We'll start tomorrow driving and will see where the road will lead us. See you next week!
I love this book and its wonderful little box too. Inspired!
Well done
Billie :)
I am planning to make a series of match books - with different bindings and covers. But always with a book in a match box.
I hope I'll find to time to do it soon.
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